2.3.3 Product & Brand Exposure

With regards to product & brand exposure, a diverse set of initiatives, advertisements are applied with, inter alia the use of many communication channels.


  • On several platforms (e.g. Youtube, Twitch, Trovo), a wide range of streamers are connected who organize streams of their gameplays among other things.

  • Our representatives promote products in Gamefi-related groups on Discord and Telegram.

  • Influencers are involved who show GameHub products mainly on Twitter

  • Partnerships will be set up with Tech- and game companies as well as other innovative start-ups.

  • The huge prices to be won in the organized competitions by GameHub lead to an increase of product & brand exposure, as described in sub paragraph 2.3.2.

  • Our developer initiative program takes its role in the game development industry. Please find more information in paragraph 5.2.

  • On different social media platforms (e.g. Twitter or TikTok), groups of users are instructed to post tweets to maximize product & brand exposure.

  • Once the platform is fully up and running, we will engage with e-sport teams in order to sponsor them


  • In various cities around the world GameHub will be promoted on billboards covering general brand exposure and gameplays.

  • On different websites and platforms GameHub advertisements, news articles, banners and videos will be shown. This covers the following websites and platforms:

    • Youtube

    • Yahoo Finance

    • Binance

    • CoinmarketCap

Last updated