3.1 Features

The web-based gaming platform offers a wide range of features as shown in the introduction of this chapter. Players can log in to their profile, start chatting, playing and find more information regarding the various initiatives.


Players will be able to view and access all types of available games, get insight of active players in that specific moment and find the game descriptions/instructions.


The lottery can be accessed from here as well. Players will find the lottery registration and description of the lottery, therms and conditions.

Community Live Chat

On the right-hand side of the interface, the community live chat is found. Here, players can chat with other players in the community, organize gameplays, discuss the newest games and features as well as experiences.

NFT Integration gaming

In the future of GameHub NFT's will be integrated in various games. For instance, players can train or upgrade characters and make profit with these characters by selling them to other players. The NFT's will be developed by GameHub and available for sale for all players.


A part of the fee will be used for revenue sharing. This can be accessed on the web-based gaming platform as well, supplemented with further explanations of the initiative and it's therms and conditions. More information can be found in paragraph 3.2.

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